behavioral health center

Mental Health

Guiding you through life’s ups and downs

Evolve BHC provides comprehensive therapy to adult clients struggling with mental health issues. Our approach is not a "quick fix" but a partnership with our clients involving a customized, comprehensive program designed to produce the desired treatment plan goals.

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What We Treat

We provide evidence-based, transformational care for many mental health concerns in a compassionate, comfortable environment. We treat the whole person, including your physical and mental well-being, and offer opportunities to heal, learn, and grow.

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Anxiety affects an ever-growing segment of the American population each year. It may manifest as a general increase in worries or be as severe as debilitating panic attacks.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder results in significant mood swings. A client with this disorder can exhibit both depressive and manic behavior over short periods.


Chronic symptoms of depression in adults can include excessive sleeping, withdrawal from family and friends, and a loss of interest in things they once loved.

OCD Behaviors

Obsessive-compulsive disorder creates a pattern of irrational thoughts and obsessions that lead to repeated behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and often cause severe anguish.

Personality Disorders

Personality disorders can cause extreme reactions, impulsive behaviors, and intense mood swings, making it difficult to function in everyday life and maintain relationships.

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